Promoting the Importance of Registered Nurses
The Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland & Labrador represents and advocates for its over 5,800 members in a number of ways. Some of these are direct advocacy efforts which are accomplished through the use of targeted campaigns and research and reports.
Raising Public Awareness
RNUNL is a voice for over 5,800 registered nurses and nurse practitioners working in Newfoundland and Labrador. Led by nurses and and inspired by nurses, we campaign to ensure fair and equitable working conditions for members and the delivery of high quality health care.
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How We Achieve Our Goals
Proposed solutions and ideas supported by the facts: that is RNUNL’s approach to achieving a quality health care system. Through our affiliation with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions and our own research, we look at health care from every angle. For the latest research and reports impacting health care and the registered nursing profession, visit CFNU's website.
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