November 30, 2023

Government assurances about protecting public healthcare being undermined by its own actions


November 30, 2023

Government assurances about protecting public healthcare being undermined by its own actions

St. John’s, NL – The Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland & Labrador (RNU) is very concerned about the disconnect between the words of the Premier and the actions of the government he leads.

“Once again the promises of the Premier and his Minister of Health to protect the delivery of public healthcare in our province are not being upheld by the decisions his government is making,” said Yvette Coffey, President of RNU.

For its annual vaccine clinic at the Confederation Building, the government has again contracted with a private healthcare provider to deliver a public health service.

“What a missed opportunity for government to demonstrate its commitment to the delivery of public healthcare services,” said Coffey. “It simply begs the question, how committed is this government to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador in the delivery of publicly funded, accessible, public healthcare in our province?”

The Union is calling on the government to stop funding the bottom lines of private companies.

“Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are tired of seeing their hard-earned tax dollars going out the door to private companies. Those public dollars should be going towards recruiting and retaining healthcare providers in our public healthcare system.”


The Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland & Labrador represents more than 5,800 registered nurses and nurse practitioners working in acute care, long-term care, community, education, and research.