December 22, 2022

Holiday Office Closure

RNU Provincial Office will close December 23, 2022 until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Please email for emergencies or call 709-753-9961 or 1-800-563-5100 and leave a message. As well, if you have an issue with time deadlines that expire before we return, please email or call instead of posting in the discussion forum. Our info email and phone lines will be monitored, and time-sensitive and urgent inquiries will be addressed.

If a critical situation occurs while we are closed, you can also consult our policy on “After hours critical incidents.” You will find suggestions for members and branch volunteers on how to respond until Provincial Office is available.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you, and yours, a safe and joyous holiday season!