May 9, 2022

Registered Nurses’ Union Celebrates Nursing Week Amidst Calls to Address Staffing Crisis

St. John’s, May 9, 2022 – The Registered Nurses Union (RNU) is proud to celebrate registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs) and all nursing providers during Nursing Week 2022, which runs from May 9-15.

“The theme is #WeAnswerTheCall and it honours nurses’ courage and commitment,” says RNU President Yvette Coffey, RN.  “We’re celebrating the vital role RNs, NPs and all nursing providers play as the backbone of health care for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.”

“Their dedication and the exemplary care they provide every day is worth celebrating, but the harsh realities they face most definitely are not,” she says. “After more than two years on the frontlines of the pandemic and a growing nursing shortage, nurses are exhausted and burning out. They need our support now more than ever.”

Last week RNU launched Thank A Nurse. This campaign asks the people of Newfoundland and Labrador to thank nurses for their hard work and dedication. To take part, visit

RNU will celebrate its members during a virtual Nursing Week Thank You Event with musical performances by The Once and Shanneyganock, as well as special greetings and prize draws.

“Our members have worked through inconceivable circumstances with little to no relief for more than two years,” says Coffey. “A crisis in staffing that predates the pandemic is pushing our cherished public health care system to its limits, leaving both workers and patients to suffer the consequences.”

“There are more than 600 vacant RN positions in our province. Immediate, short term actions are needed to improve workplace conditions and retain RNs and NPs over the coming months. While we celebrate our profession this week, we’re also calling on decision-makers to stop the bleeding of the nursing workforce and protect patient care.”



Karyn Whelan

Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland and Labrador
