
Our Leaders & Staff

The team behind the Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland & Labrador is made up of our board, staff, and branch representatives. Together they help ensure our members receive the support they deserve.

Board of Directors

Our Elected Member Representatives

RNUNL’s Board of Directors is comprised of elected member representatives, including a provincial president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and nine regional representatives. In addition, RNUNL’s executive director sits on the board as a non-voting member. RNUNL’s board develops and manages RNUNL policies, sets the strategic direction for the organization, and governs RNUNL between biennial conventions.

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Employing Industry Professionals

The RNUNL provincial office in St. John’s employs a variety of professionals to meet the varying needs of registered nurses and nurse practitioners. Staff members include the president, executive director, director of corporate services, director of communications, staff lawyer, labour relations officers, research and education specialist, digital communications coordinator, as well as finance and administrative staff.

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Branch Representatives

Working Across Our Regions

RNUNL’s members are organized in nine regions, with each region having a representative who sits on RNUNL’s Board of Directors. Within each region there are branches that have their own executive, which can include a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Each branch also has shop stewards, who support and represent members on specific work units.